June 13, 2022

In honor of International Children’s Day on June 1, and National Children’s Day on June 12, Centric Brands has partnered with Delivering Good to donate over 4,000 units of children’s clothing to two local New York organizations: Queens Defenders and The Sharing Shelf.
Founded in 1996, Queens Defenders is a law firm committed to bringing equal justice to clients and communities, both in the court room and beyond. The organization works directly with Queens-based clients as well as advocates for youth charged with felonies and immigrants facing criminal charges. They also have a team of social workers who connect clients with critical resources and run outreach centers that partner with local organizations, libraries, schools, law enforcement and community coalitions.
Founded in 2009, The Sharing Shelf is a Westchester based clothing bank created to combat clothing insecurity and meet basic material needs of low-income infants, children and teens. The organization supports schools, hospitals and other non-profits who work directly with economically vulnerable families in the Westchester community.
After receiving the Centric Brands donation, the Sharing Shelf shared, “the school year ends soon, and our inbox is full of requests for summer clothing. 514 children applied for clothing in the last 6 weeks (a 10% increase compared to 2021). We provide each child with a Wardrobe Pack, or a week’s worth of clothing. These amazing items are the styles children want and the sizes we needed most to reach children county-wide. More than 60,000 children in our county live in poverty or a low-income home and in the communities we serve most, between 7-8 in 10 children live in families struggling to survive financially. When we address clothing insecurity – especially beautiful donations like these – we reduce economic stress, meet a basic human need, and boost the self-esteem of children allowing them to grow and thrive.”
Delivering Good is a non-profit dedicated to uniting retailers, manufacturers, foundations, and individuals to support people affected by poverty and tragedy. Since 2019, Centric Brands has partnered with Delivering Good to donate both monetarily and in-kind product donations to support local and national non-profit organizations. We are excited to continue to grow our partnership with Delivering Good and drive change in the communities where we live and do business.
As one of our largest business divisions in the company, and a key area of focus for our Centric Cares philanthropy program, kids are at the heart of almost everything we do. We are committed to continue fighting for a better future for the next generation, improving their welfare and making the world a better place.