Centric Brands LLC (“Centric Brands”) is committed to legal compliance and ethical business practices in our worldwide operations. We choose Suppliers we believe share this commitment. We require Suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the country(ies) in which they conduct business. Our Global Supplier Principles (“Principles”), which are based on International Labour Organization’s (ILO) core conventions, summarize the minimum requirements all Suppliers must meet to do business with Centric Brands. As used in these Principles, the term “Supplier” includes, but is not limited to, agents, vendors, factories, subcontractors, yarn spinners, fabric mills, component or trim suppliers and raw materials providers.

We expect our Suppliers to commit to the Principles annually and permit periodic monitoring to assess and ensure adherence to the Principles. If we find a Supplier is not in compliance with any of the Principles, Suppliers are expected to promptly remediate any noncompliance.


Employment is Voluntary

Suppliers shall not use any form of involuntary labor, including child, forced, bonded, trafficked, indentured or prison labor, and shall not purchase materials from persons or entities using any such labor.

Working Age

Suppliers shall not employ children younger than the age of 15, or younger than the age for completion of compulsory education, whichever is higher.

Disciplinary Practices

No employee shall be subject to any form of corporal punishment, or mental, physical, verbal or sexual harassment or abuse. Disciplinary deductions from compensation are not permitted.


Employees or potential employees shall not be subjected to discrimination in hiring, compensation, promotion, discipline or termination on the basis of gender, age, religion, marital status, race, sexual orientation, disability, nationality or ethnic origin.

Wages, Benefits & Working Hours

Employee compensation shall meet or exceed the minimum wage required by law. Overtime shall be compensated at legally mandated rates. Employees shall be provided all legally mandated benefits, including holidays, paid leave and where applicable, statutory severance when employment ends.

Suppliers shall follow all applicable laws and regulations with respect to working hours, and all overtime must be voluntary. Under ordinary business circumstances, employees shall not be required to work excessive working hours per week, including overtime, and are entitled to at least one rest day in any seven-day period.


Suppliers shall respect the rights of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining, as permitted by law, without harassment, interference or retaliation.


Suppliers shall provide a safe and healthy workplace to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of work, or occurring in the course of work, or as a result of the operation of the Supplier’s facility. Where provided, employee housing shall be clean and safe, with adequate sleeping quarters, bathing and toilet facilities.


Suppliers shall protect human health and the environment by meeting applicable regulatory requirements including air emissions, solid/hazardous waste and water discharge. Suppliers shall adopt reasonable measures to mitigate negative operational impacts on the environment and strive to continuously improve environmental performance.


Suppliers shall not subcontract any operation in the manufacturing process without prior written consent from Centric Brands. All approved subcontractors shall meet the same criteria as our direct contracted product and services suppliers.


Suppliers shall provide Centric Brands or third-party representatives unhindered access, with or without notice, to their facilities, employees and all records needed to demonstrate compliance with these Principles and applicable laws. Suppliers are expected to keep accurate records of all matters related to their business with Centric Brands in accordance with standard accounting practices.


Suppliers shall comply fully with all applicable national and local laws, legal requirements and applicable treaties in the country or countries in which they operate that relate to anti-corruption and ethical conduct. Specifically, Suppliers shall not offer bribes, gifts or discounts, or other unlawful or unethical payments or compensation in dealings with employees, public officials or individuals in the private sector to influence any act or decision, or otherwise secure a business advantage.


Suppliers shall be transparent in their policies, processes and standards that govern their operations and which are related to their compliance with the Principles. Suppliers should educate their employees and managers on their rights and responsibilities related to upholding the Principles. The policies, processes and standards developed by Suppliers should include policies and procedures for risk assessments, accountability and documentation related to compliance with the Principles.Suppliers must guard the confidential information of Centric Brands and should not disclose, share or use such information except as defined by the contractual or non-disclosure agreement signed with Centric Brands. Suppliers shall comply with all applicable security and privacy laws, regulations and other legal requirements, and ensure that all appropriate security measures are in place to protect confidential information.